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MKV v AJ 2015-Hodina 4 (Celebration of the New Year around the World, Past tense)

Stránka naposledy upravena 12:12, 4 Dub 2016 uživatelem Lenka Hessová

    Autor: Houlíková

    Rozsah přípravy: 45 min

    Popis přípravy: 

    Aim of the Lesson:

    ·       to know some facts about other cultures

    ·       revision of the past tense

    ·       work with dictionaries

    ·       work with the unknown texts

    Beginning of the Lesson

    ·       to welcome pupils in the new year

    ·       to introduce them the aim of the lesson: practising of the PAST TENSE


    WARM-UP activity: Categories

    ·       children stayi in a circle, a teacher thinks of a category: towns, continents, states

    ·       everyone has to take a turn thinking of a given category and has to give some example

    ·       pupil should give answer within 5 seconds then he/she is out and sits down

    ·       after this activity the teacher explains the topic of the lesson: celebrating of the New Year around the World


    1) Handout for pupils – New Year’s Eve Vocabulary



    2) Pair work

    ·       the teacher writes questions about pupils’ celebration of New Year’s Eve and the New Year on the blackboard:

    Where did you spend the last day of the year?

    How did you celebrate the New Year’s Eve?

    How did your family celebrate the New Year’s Eve?

    Do you have any traditions connected with the New Year?

    What did you do in the New Year?

    ·       pupils work in pairs

    ·       one pupil asks questions and the second one answers then they swap the roles

    ·       the teacher checks what pupils found out at the end of this activity


    3) Team work

    ·       pupils are divided into  six groups

    ·       each group will get one state and text about the celebration of the New Year there

    ·       the group has to put the verbs from the text to the past tense

    ·       every group can use a dictionary

    Source: http://www.123newyear.com/newyear-around-the-world/


    4) Guessing of the given state

    ·       every group tries to describe the state for other pupils who try to guess the name of the state

    ·       if the pupils do not know how to describe it, the teacher helps them (colours of the flag, most popular monuments, cities, ...)


    5) Familiarization with another culture

    ·       pupils describe how the New Year was celebrated around the World this year and use general knowledge of the given text

    ·       they have to use past tense


    6) Revision

    ·       the teacher asks questions about celebrating the New Year around the World to revise the basic information


    Pomůcky: projektor, pracovní listy, slovníky


    Vzdělávací období Druhý stupeň ZŠ: 8. třída
    Rozvíjené klíčové kompetence Kompetence sociání a personální, Kompetence komunikativní, Kompetence pracovní
    Integrace průřezových témat Multikulturní výchova
    Výstupy Procvičování minulého času, poznávání cizích zvyků, rozšíření slovní zásoby na téma Silvestr
    Mezioborové přesahy a vazby Zeměpis
    Klíčová slova
    • kaj/mva

    Soubory 1

    Pracovní list
    29.81 kB09:40, 23 Bře 2016Lenka Hessová