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MKV v AJ 2015-Hodina 3 (Multicultural London, People of Britain, Migration)

Stránka naposledy upravena 22:31, 25 Bře 2016 uživatelem Lenka Hessová

    Autor: Šmídlová

    Rozsah přípravy: 45 min

    Popis přípravy: 

    Lesson Plan 1: Multicultural London / People of Britain. Migration. 

    1) Introduction – Pictures of People (10 minutes)Upravit sekci

    Aim: students get to know different types of people living in London / students can describe pictures and express assumptions

    Teaching aids: pictures (taken from the Facebook group “Humans of London”)

    Source: my own activity, inspired by: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/a-multicultural- society, pictures from: https://www.facebook.com/thehumansoflondon/?fref=ts 

    The teacher greets the class and asks them to come and stand in a circle in a convenient space of the classroom.

    The teacher puts various photographs of people in the middle and asks the students to think for a while about what these people have in common.

    After a while, the teacher asks the students about their opinions and encourages them to talk about the peoples' appearances, clothes, the environment of the pictures etc. If nobody mentions it, the teacher asks also, in which country the people may live. The teacher also asks additional questions, for example: “Why do you think this person comes from Asia?” “How did you recognize that this person does not come from Europe?” etc.

    Finally, the teacher reveals that all these people live in London,( may also mention the source of the photographs) and introduces the topic of the lesson – Different people living in London and Britain. 

    2) Listening comprehension “Multicultural London”

    Aim: students learn about different ethnic groups and immigrants living in London / students can understand the message of a short video

    Teaching aids: projector, worksheets 

    Source: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/word-street/multicultural-britain, worksheet created by me

    2.1 Listening comprehension - Introduction (2 minutes)
    In this part of the lesson, the students go back to their seats and each one of them gets the first part of a worksheet, which they will be using for the rest of the lesson.
    The teacher gives instructions about the listening comprehension. (Only first part of the video, 0:00-2:32, is used.) 

    2.2 Listening comprehension – Part 1 (7 minutes)
    The teacher explains task 1 in the worksheet. On first watching, the students should concentrate only on the visual part of the video.
    The teacher calls on the students to answer the questions from task 1. 

    2.3 Listening comprehension – Part 2 (13 minutes)
    The teacher explains task 2 in the worksheet and asks the students whether they understand all the questions. They watch the video twice. First, they watch the entire video and then they watch it in two parts (0:00-1:42 and 1:42-2:32) with a short break in between.
    The teacher gives the students enough time to answer the questions and tells them to compare their answers with a partner. Then, the teacher calls on the students to find out the answers. 

    3) Working with the transcript (13 minutes)

    Aim: students learn about different ethnic groups and immigrants living in London / students canfind information in a short text, they can understand new vocabulary immigrant, refugee, culture, community, multicultural

    Teaching aids: worksheets 

    Sourcehttp://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/word-street/multicultural-britain, worksheet created by me 

    The teacher gives the students the second part of the worksheet, which contains the transcript of the video, and explains tasks 3 and 4 to them. The students should connect several words, which they can find in the transcript, to their explanations and after that underline the names of countries and nationalities in the text. 

    After working for about 7 minutes, the teacher asks the students to compare their answers with a partner. Finally, the teacher calls on the students and asks them about the answers. 

    4) Migration in our country – homework

    Aim: students consider the significance of the topic of migration to their own country / students can shortly answer questions about migration

    Teaching aids: worksheets

    Source: questions inspired by https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/a-multicultural-society

    The teacher explains task 5 in the worksheet. Students can start working on it and should finish it at home using the internet or a conversation with their parents / grandparents. 



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    66.97 kB09:20, 23 Bře 2016Lenka Hessová
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    98.79 kB09:20, 23 Bře 2016Lenka Hessová